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About the Colorado River

The lifeblood that runs through the heart of Texas

Wait, what? Texas? Not Colorado?

We get this all the time. There is a Colorado River that flows through Arizona, Utah, and other western states. Ours is the “other” Colorado River—the Texas Colorado River. But here, we just call it the “Colorado River.”

More than 800 miles long, the Texas Colorado River is the longest river to start and end in the same state and is the lifeblood of our state’s economy, our environment, our industry, our agriculture, and especially our lives as Texans.

Its headwaters begin in northwest Texas, and the river flows southeast, supporting many different communities and ecosystems and eventually emptying into the Gulf of Mexico at Matagorda Bay. Along the way, its reservoirs form the Highland Lakes, and it flows through downtown Austin, the fastest-growing metropolitan area in the country.

The Concho, San Saba, Llano, James, and Pedernales Rivers all empty into the River. Altogether, there are more than 7,500 miles of creeks, streams, and rivers in the Colorado River basin.

Get to know the Texas Colorado River

River History

The Colorado River has a long and rich history >>


River and watershed maps are the best way to see why the Colorado River is known as the lifeblood of the State of Texas >>

Water Quality

The long-term vitality of the Colorado River depends on how clean and healthy it is >>
Click to learn about factors that affect water quality

Interactive Map (Hydromet)

A hydromet is a term that combines Hydrology + Meterology. The LCRA has over 275 hydromet gauging stations throughout the Lower Colorado River Basin that provide real-time weather, water, early warning, and climate information and data. >>

Water Quantity

From severe flooding to times of drought, the amount of water remaining in the Colorado River impacts people throughout the Colorado River Basin >>
Click to learn about droughts and floods


With more than 7,500 miles of creeks, streams, and rivers in the Colorado River basin, there are endless opportunities for fun on the Colorado River >>
Click to learn about recreation on the Colorado River

Water Safety

Water levels, water quality, and weather are all factors that affect the safety of the Colorado River >>
Click to learn how to safely enjoy the Colorado River


It is vital to understand and reevaluate our water usage >>
Click to join our conservation efforts

Digital Resource Center

Bring the river to your classroom or home >>